Monthly Archives: January 2020

Things I do while refactoring

Well, maybe the title should be: Things I hope you do while developing 🙂 Update code to current standards and tools Limit scope and clean code Write unit tests Maybe the third one should be at the top, because it is required for the first two. Never mind, I won’t change it. First Update code… Read More »

Category: IT

Template Method

Ever been in this situation? You have been writing some code and then in the end cleaning up, realizing that you have a couple of methods that are similar in behavior but should be split up in different classes? Well, lets give you an example. So basically in this weird example, you have similar behavior… Read More »

Category: IT

Everything goes in the Backlog

I always try to inspire my team to come up with new ideas, and communicate them to the rest of the team. When working in pairs it is pretty easy to just talk to your team member and tell them about your idea and whether it sounds good or not. But either way, don’t lose… Read More »

New years resolution 2020

Family Spend more time alone with each one of my kids… and my wife of course Cook more – my wife likes to cook so she spends more time in the kitchen than me – have not always been like that so I will join her more often. Not that easy though with 3 kids… Read More »


This is always up to debate in different communities: how to do estimates and if you have estimate at all.In my organisation, there is no option, to be able to prioritize cost is a big factor. When it comes to software, cost is directly related to time… so we estimate in hours. Now, everybody knows… Read More »