Category Archives: Okategoriserat

Koreader on Kobo Libra H20

I use Koreader for mainly three purposes, Better PDF reading capabilities Upload PDF and e-books to Dropbox RSS streams to my Kobo How to install Plugin your Kobo-reader to a computer Download and install “Start Menu” from Download a release for your device Extract the downloaded package to KOBO e-reader .adds folder Eject… Read More »

Start with a sketch, detail later

I just recently started drawing again, or maybe I should say sketching because that is basically what I do. When I started I tried it out by myself, trying to remember how I did many years ago, and I realized that they turned out pretty well but I didn’t give it much chance, I never… Read More »

Capacity = Effort * Capability

A persons capacity is equal to the persons effort and his/her capability. This does make sense right? I don’t know how much science there is behind this statement, but in some way it make sense right? Capacity is the persons range and effectiveness when performing some kind of work.Effort is the energy you need to… Read More »

Working with unknowns – and what can be learned

Recently my team and I had a big task in front of us. An upgrade of a third party product, with configurations and modifications done by us. It have been 3 years since the last upgrade and our Configuration Manager had left, and I have been kind of spokesperson for us not needing a Configuration… Read More »

Was Trump a victim of dancing landscapes?

In complexity science there is a notion of rugged and fixed landscapes. A fixed landscape can be seen as a mountain, where there is just a single peak. You can see a landscape as a graph for a fitness function. Peaks are where you have an optimum, and valleys are the opposite. The landscape can… Read More »

Enabling constraints

Cynefin introduce some new concepts, well for me at least. One of them is the use of constraints as a mean for systems. In Cynefin, which system you are in can be understood by looking at its constraints.In Clear domain you have tight constraints, which means that you have low or no degree of freedom,… Read More »


One of the key aspects of Agile, I think, is perspectives, or views. Or that is basically the key aspect of any team. Knowledge, ideas, thoughts and beliefs, need to be visible to all and be applied or challenged. This have to be done in a “safe environment” where it is okey to be questioned,… Read More »

The Lead Developer

Disclaimer, this is my own view of the Lead Developer role. This works well for me, my team and my vision of the team. This is originally my vision but now most of the team is committed to the vision and we are working on this together. When I first got the Lead Developer role… Read More »

What to do with unfinished stories

You are at the end of the sprint and you have unfinished stuff left on your sprint board. Now what? So you will end up here from time to time. Most of the time there shouldn’t be that much left on your board, but you might have added new stuff to the board because things… Read More »

Just got my One by Wacom

For you who don’t know One by Wacom is… it’s a drawing tablet without screen. It is basically just a kind of mouse pad, but instead of a mouse you have a pen. The pen is press sensitive and can sense 2048 different pressures which make it resemble a regular pen. So why the hell… Read More »