Just got my One by Wacom

By | October 13, 2020

For you who don’t know One by Wacom is… it’s a drawing tablet without screen. It is basically just a kind of mouse pad, but instead of a mouse you have a pen. The pen is press sensitive and can sense 2048 different pressures which make it resemble a regular pen.

So why the hell did you buy that?

My reply is… I don’t really know. It is a tech gadget and like tech gadget. It is about $70 (around SEK 700 here in Sweden) so it is quite affordable. You can pay much much more for drawing equipment.

So you are like an artist or something?

No, I’m not. Really… no. The last time I tried to draw anything was +20 years ago. But now I have a new toy to use, and to teach my kids, so let start drawing again. It is fun to be creative. That’s why I ended up as a developer.

But I tried it, and it’s actually a lot of fun. It is really easy to use (a little steep since you have to watch the screen and draw somewhere else… but I start to get a hang of it). I use SketchBook (free from AutoDesk), and when I installed the Wacom Driver it could sense how hard I pressed the pen against the tablet and it responded with a thicker line while pressing, so it feels really natural to use.

Behold. My first and maybe last drawings before I get tired of it and buy something else 🙂

Lost in space

Random face

This is where you say “Keep up the good work”. Okey, so me drawing is still stuck in what I draw 20+ years ago, but just give me some time, and as with everything else you practice, you will improve.

Cheers! The agile artist 😉